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Pion light cone wave function in the non-local NJL model 

Michal Praszalowicz and Andrzej Rostworowski 

M.Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, 

Jagellonian University, 
Reymonta 4, 30-059 Krakow, Poland. 
(February 1, 2008) 










We use the simple instanton motivated NJL-type model 
to calculate the leading twist pion light cone wave function. 
The model consists in employing the momentum dependent 
quark mass in the quark loop entering the definition of the 
wave function. The result is analytical up to a solution of a 
certain algebraic equation. Various properties including the 
kr dependence of the pion wave function are discussed. The 
resulting kr integrated wave function is not asymptotic and 
is in agreement with recent analysis of the CLEO data. 


Despite the fact that the exclusive hadron light cone 
wave functions were theoretically introduced 20 years ago 
0- 0, there is still relatively little experimental data 
which could be confronted with theory. Recently the 
analysis of Ref. || based on the latest CLEO measure- 
ments H put some limits on the expansion coefficients 
of the pion wave function in terms of the Gegenbauer 
polynomials. This analysis indicates that the pion wave 

function measured at 

1.5 - 9.2 GeV 2 is neither 



(with u being the fraction of the pion momentum carried 
by the quark) nor of the form proposed by Chernyak 
and Zhitnitsky in 1982 §,§. The first attempt to study 
the kx dependence of the pion wave function has been 
undertaken in Refs. ||. 

In order to estimate the shape of the pion wave func- 
tion at sub-asymptotic Q 2 , practically one theoretical ap- 
proach has been used: QCD sum rules |M which gave 
a variety of contradictory results ^,|n]- The extension 
of the local sum rules to the case of the non-zero quark 
virtuality proposed in Refs. |lj] has been recently suc- 
cessfully applied to model the pion wave function [fl3|| , 
which turned out to be in agreement with the experi- 
mental analysis of Ref. || • 

There have been also lattice calculations of the mo- 
ments of the pion wave function Jl4|,[l5| which, however, 
gave unrealistically small results. Recent transverse lat- 
tice results of Burkhardt et. al. [fL6| and Dalley [jl7J are in 

contradiction. Dallcy's pion wave function is much more 
flat than the one of Ref. g(J. It is, however, not very 
different from our results for the constituent quark mass 
M = 325 MeV. 

Another approach has been recently put forward in 
Refs. fl8|,|l9| where a simple instanton based model was 
applied to calculate the u-dependence of the pion and 
also photon wave function. The whole idea consisted in 
calculating the quark loop which enters the expression 
for the wave function, using the momentum dependent 
constituent quark mass. The momentum dependence of 
the quark mass appears naturally in the instanton model 
of the QCD vacuum [^0|. It embodies the fact that the 
propagator of a light quark gets modified by the vacuum 
through which the quark propagates. The momentum de- 
pendent quark mass acts as a natural cut-off function for 
the fcr integration making this integration finite. Addi- 
tionally, due to the non-local 7r-quark coupling, it ensures 
vanishing of the pion wave function at the end points (see 
Sect.IIIA). If the constituent quark mass is taken as a 
constant and the sharp cut-off for the k T integration is 
used, the pion wave function is simply a constant. For 
more sophisticated cut-offs one can obtain more realistic 
shapes, as in Refs. |2l| . 

The instanton model of the QCD vacuum (for recent 
review see e.g. p2|) allows to derive an effective non- 
local Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) type quark-meson La- 
grangian where mesons are not dynamical but composite 
quark bilinears. By integrating out the quark fields one 
can, however, generate the kinetic term for the mesons. 
Quark-meson (pion in our case) interaction generated by 
the instantons is non-local and this non-locality is param- 
eterized by the momentum dependence of the constituent 
quark mass. The constituent quark mass appears because 
of the chiral symmetry breaking induced by the instan- 
tons. However, the instanton vacuum is most probably 
not able to explain the confinement. 

In most applications of the effective quark-meson the- 
ory described above an approximation of the constant 
constituent quark mass was used. This approach has an 
impressive success in describing baryon (which emerge as 
solitons) properties (see [^2j and references therein) . Re- 
cently an attempt to include momentum dependence in 
calculating solitons in the non-local NJL model has been 
reported in Refs. |23[ |. 

The instanton model of the QCD vacuum is naturally 


formulated in Euclidean space-time, whereas the light 
cone wave function is an object defined in the Minkowski 
space-time. One can in principle Wick rotate the un- 
derlying integrals and perform the final integrals in the 
Euclidean space-time as has been for example done in 
Refs. @- [£(§ (for early attempts to calculate the pion 
wave function in the instanton model see Ref. ^?J). Wc 
will, however, perform all calculations directly in the 
Minkowski space-time. The authors of Refs. |l^,[l9| used 
a simple dipole type Ansatz for the momentum depen- 
dence of the constituent quark mass in the Minkowski 
space-time which made the calculations feasible. In Ref. 
p8| an approximation was used where the momentum 
dependence was taken into account only in the quark- 
pion vertices, whereas in Ref. the calculation has 
been done numerically. The results of both calculations 
showed that the pion wave function at low momentum 
scale was actually not very different from the asymptotic 
one of Eq.(§). 

In this paper we follow the approach of Refs. Jl8| , pj[ , 
however, we show how to calculate the pion wave function 
analytically (up to the numerical solution of a certain al- 
gebraic equation). We obtain compact, analytical results 
both for u and k\ dependent wave functions. We use two 
parameter set of Ansatze for the momentum dependent 
quark mass which generalize the Ansatz of Refs. |l8| , |l9| . 
In this way we can study the sensitivity of various prop- 
erties of the pion wave function to the specific form of 
the cut-off function. This is quite important, since - as 
explained above - we are not able to use the momentum 
dependent quark mass calculated in the instanton model, 
but we model it in such a way that the calculations can 
be performed in the Minkowski space-time. 

A novelty of our approach is that we study the k T 
dependence of the wave function. We calculate the first 
moments in k T which are related to the mixed quark- 
gluon condensates |^8| . 

Our findings can be summarized as follows. The d 2 kx 
integrated pion wave function is not asymptotic, it ex- 
hibits a plateau for u ~ 1/2 whose height varies with the 
cut-off function and the constituent quark mass at zero 
momentum. Comparing the coefficients of the expansion 
in terms of the Gegenbauer polynomials, a2k, with the 
analysis of the CLEO data || we find that our wave func- 
tion fits within 95% confidence level in the a-i — 04 two di- 
mensional parameter space, whereas the asymptotic and 
the Chernyak-Zhitnitsky wave functions are ruled out. 
One should note, however, that in the most cases the 
coefficient ae is in our case not negligible, while it was 
explicitly put to zero in Ref. [5JL In this respect we also 
differ from the model of Ref. [ 13j . 

The k T dependence of the u integrated wave function, 
for k T below 1 GeV 2 , is insensitive to the considered 
forms of the cut-off function. In this region, the wave 
function can be well fit by C(k T + A 2 )~ Q with a ~ 8 -j- 
9. For k T < 0.2 GeV 2 the exponent fit can be used 
as well. The asymptotic power like behavior depends 
strongly upon the form of the cut-off function. However, 

the difference can be seen only for k\ above few GeV 2 , 
whereas the region below 1 GeV 2 contributes 98% to the 
norm of the wave function. It indicates that the Fermilab 
experiment E791 || where the typical quark (jet) kx is 
above 1 GeV, is in fact sensitive to the tiny portion of the 
pion wave function. The ratio R —< k% > / < k T > 2 is 
of the order of 3 indicating rather narrow k T distribution 
in contrast to Ref. |^8| where R ~ 5 — 7. 

We find that, given simplicity of the model, both con- 
ceptual and technical, our results are reasonable and, 
where the comparison with the data is possible, sur- 
prisingly accurate. The method used in this paper can 
be straightforwardly generalized to other wave functions 
like, for examp le, ph oton wave function (which we briefly 
discuss in Sect. Ill A ) or 2tt distribution amplitude. 

The paper is organized as follows: in Section [n| we show 
how to calculate the quark loop with the momentum de- 
pendent mass analytically. The main problem here is, 
how to handle the complex poles of the quark propagator. 
In Section III we discuss various properties of the pion 

wave function, like end point behavior and kx asymp- 
totics. We also present numerical results and compare 
with other models. Finally in Section IV we present our 


Let us consider two quarks moving along the light cone 
direction n = (1, 0, 0, 1) parallel to the total momentum 
P and separated by the light cone distance z — 2r along 
the direction n = (1,0,0,-1). The twist 2 light cone 
pion wave function is then defined as 




— OO 

I $(nT)fi~f 5 ip (-nr) \tt + (P)) 


where variable u, as will be shortly seen, has a meaning 
of a fraction of a quark momentum k + with respect to 
P + . Here = 93 MeV. In this kinematical frame any 
four vector v can be decomposed as: 


with v + = n ■ v, v = n ■ v and the scalar product of 
two four vectors reads: 

1 + - 

1 - h 

—v w 


In Eq.(^|) the path ordered exponential of the gluon field, 
required by the gauge invariance, has been omitted since 
we shall be working in the effective quark model where 
the gluon fields have been integrated out. 


The instanton model of the QCD vacuum predicts that 
quarks interact non-locally with an external meson field 

u MM 

St = M 

d 4 kdH 

ip(k)F(k)U 1B (k-l)F(l)ip(l) (5) 

and C/ 75 (x) can be expanded in terms of the pion fields 


E7*« = 1 + irl b r A TT A 
F w 


IT 7T 


M is a constituent quark mass of the order of 350 MeV 
and F(k) is a momentum dependent function such that 
F(0) = 1 and F(k 2 -> oo) -> 0. 

I k I [GeV] 

FIG. 1. F(k) for Euclidean momentum k 2 < 0, for n = 1 
(long dashed), 3 (dashed) and for the instanton model (solid). 

Function F(k) has been calculated in the instanton 
model of the QCD vacuum 

F mst .(k) = 2z \I (z)Ki{z) - h(z)K Q (z)} - 2I l {z)K l {z) 


where z = kp/2. Here 1/p ~ 600 Mev is a typical inverse 
instanton size. One has to remember that this function 
is defined in Euclidean space as a Fourier transform of 
the instanton zero mode. Here, following Refs. [ p~8|Jl9| 
we wish to calculate <f>^ directly in the Minkowski space. 
To this end we shall choose a simple pole formula 

M{k) = MF 2 (k) 



-A 2 

k 2 - A 2 


which reproduces reasonably well (^) for k 2 < 0. This is 
shown in Fig.[j] where we have chosen A in such a way that 
(||) crosses with (^) for k — 1.5 GeV. Unfortunately large 
k asymptotics Fi nst (k) ~ k~ 3 cannot be reproduced by 
Eq.(^|) for integer n. Choosing half- integer n, however, 
would introduce cuts in the complex k plane, making the 
numerical evaluation of the pion wave function unneces- 
sary tedious. The cutoff parameter A has to be chosen 

in such a way that the pion wave function satisfies the 
normalization condition 

du0 T (u) = 1. 


Matrix element (0) reduces to a simple fcrmion loop 

, , . iN c f d 4 k ( k+ 

<t>ir(U = o / jO\U 

i F 2 P+ j (27r)4 ^ P+ 


, ijM(k) iJM(k-P) 

'fc-M(k) 10 {t-f 3 )- M{k) 


Here it is explicitly seen that uP + = k + . In the light- 
cone representation (||) d A k — ^dk + dk~ d 2 ^ and after 
performing the trace we get 

2N C M 2 P+ f d 2 k T 

F 2 


(2n) 2 J (2tt) 2 


(l-u)F 2 (k) + uF 2 (k- P) 

[k 2 - M 2 F i (k) + ie][(k - P) - M 2 F i (k - P) + ie] 


In order to calculate the integral over <ifc_ exactly i.e. 
with full k dependence in the denominators we have to 
find zeros of the two propagators in Eq. (|ll|) . To this end 
it is convenient to introduce the scaled variables 

P + 

P+ = 

A ' A ' 

ri=p+K-, t=(K T ) 2 , r 2 

In these variables 

N M 2 r+oo 


M 2 
A 2 "' 


4>n(u) = -i 

(2tt) 3 F 2 J q 



(i - u) cr ci" + u Ci 3ra q 

G(Ci) G(Ca) 



Q l = u I Tj h ie sign(u / 


— ie sign(l — u 



G(z) = z in+l + z 4n -r 2 = l\ (z-Zi). 


with Zi being (4n + 1) roots of the equation 
G(z) = 0. 





We aim at evaluating the drj integral by contour integra- 
tion. The 2(4n+ 1) simple poles of the integrand (|13| ) lie 



t+l + Zj 


t+l + Zj 

1 - u 

it sign(ttj, 

+ iesign(l — u). (17) 

Let's assume for definiteness that < u < 1. For r 2 = 
(A 2 = oo) the roots of Eq. ( [l6| ) are z\ = ... = z^ n = 0, 
Z4„+i = —1 so the poles r/ 1 ) lie below and the poles ?/ 2 ) 
lie above the Ken axis. When r 2 increases (A 2 decreases 
from oo to its physical value) the roots z% drift in the 
complex z-plane as shown in Fig. |^. Therefore some 
of the poles n^ can move above and some of the poles 


rfl can move below the Rery axis. The crucial point 
is that if we kept the integration path going along the 
Re?y axis we would get an unphysical result: ff (u) would 
not vanish outside the interval Q < u < 1. We assume 
that physically correct prescription for performing the dn 
integral is to deform the integration path as shown in Fig. 


FIG. 2. Flow of the zeros of G(z)with increasing r for 
n = 2. For r — (A = oo) there are 4n degenerate solu- 
tions zi, Z4n and one non degenerate solution Z4n+i = — 1. 
With increasing r (A decreasing from oo to the physical value) 
Zttn+i solution drifts rightwards toward 0, and An zero solu- 
tions split into 2 real ones, Z4„ drifting towards Z4 n +i and Z\ 
towards +oo, and 4n — 2 complex (pairwise conjugated) solu- 
tions Z2i, Z2»+i, * = X, In — 1 which flow into the upper and 
lower parts of the complex z plane. When r reaches the value 
of the local maximum r max of G(z) for — 1 < z < the two 
real zeros Z4 n and Z4 n +i meet and "scatter" drifting further 
into the upper (z4 n ) and lower (z4 n +i) half of the complex z 

Closing the contour in the upper complex r\ half-plane 


we should enclose all the poles n\ and none of the poles 

n^. This prescription ensures that (p„(u) is real and 
vanishes outside the interval < u < 1. Now, the dr\ 
integral yields 

n m 2 r +co 4n+1 

MU) = (2^Ff (_1 + UT I dt ^ Z * fi (18) 

U(t + 1 + UZif n + (1 - u) 2n+1 Z 2n {t + 1 + UZi) n 

nti'^+i+^+ii-^] ' 

where factors /j are defined as 


Zk %i 

in+1 , 

fi= n — 




FIG. 3. Schematic flow of the r\ poles with increasing r for 
n — 2 together with the integration contour in the complex r\ 
plane. For r — the poles are shown as black dots and the 
integration contour is represented by the dotted line. 

With the help of the following identity 
u(t + 1 + uzi) 3n + (1 - u) 2n+1 z 2n (t + 1 + uz,) n 

i 4n+1 7/ 7 2n -i-n n\7 2n 

E «gA : " *■ ^ — \,- (M) 

(-1 + w)'' 

t + 1 + UZj + (1 - 1t),Zfc 


the result for the /c|>-dependent pion wave function 
&(u, fc^) can be cast in the following compact form: 

1 N C M 2 
~ A 2 (2tt) 2 F 2 

+ l zf ^\ + zf n z%(l - u) 

E ■ 


S + 1 + Ziit + z fc (l - u) 


Factors /, obey the following properties which are crucial 
for the finiteness of the d(kj<) integration and for the 
end point behavior of the pion (and also photon) wave 


E z Th 


for m < An, 

1 for m = An. 



It is interesting to note that properties (22) hold for any 
set of N = 4n+ 1 numbers, irrespectively of the fact that 
they are solutions of certain equation of degree N. 

Due to Eq.(22) ^^(u, k^,) vanishes for large k\ and the 
d(fc^) integration is finite so that 

M = 325 GeV 

&r(u) = / d(fer0$7r(u,fcr') 

/i/ fc (^«+«r«i?(i-«)) 

x ln(l + z^it + z fe (l - u)) . (23) 
Eqs.( pT J23 ) are our final results for the pion light cone 

wave function for the momentum dependent quark mass 
(|J). These analytical formulae depend on the numerical 
solutions Zi of Eq. ([l6]) . Cutoff parameter A can be found 
by imposing the normalization condition (0). 


A. Analytical properties 

Function (j) v {u) = (f> v (l — u) which is a trivial property 
of the symmetry of exchanging two sums over i and over 
k in Eq.(|23]). At the end points ^(u) vanishes. Indeed 

N AT 2 

M ° ] = ~ (2^pi^ ? fiZ * n E ln ( J + Zfe ) = 


as a consequence of Eq. ( p2[ ) . In fact for small it (u) ~ 
it". The reason for this kind of behavior is the presence 
of the factor y/M(k)M(k - P) in Eq.©. Indeed, one 
can calculate in the same way the transverse photon wave 
function <j>^ (u) which, since the 7-quark coupling is local, 

does not contain the dumping factor yj M(k)M(k — P). 
The result reads 

, N C M x ^ 

^ (u) = _ (2^7 T ^ / 

2n _4n 

'T z,fc 

x ln (1 + + Zfe(l — it)) 


and the wave function <^r(0) = </>~(l) 7^ 0, due to the 
second property (p2|). So despite of the nonperturba- 
tive effects embodied in the momentum dependent quark 
mass (||) the point like photon-quark coupling makes the 
photon wave function non vanishing at the end points. 

The advantage of the present calculation is that we 
can calculate not only the it dependence, but also the 
k\ dependence of the pion wave function. Integrating 
3>7r(it, fcy) over u we get 

M = 350 GeV 





i *s 

f 1 


\ \ 



- /// 

\\\ . 




0.2 0.4 0.6 o.e 


M = 375 GeV 

M = 400 GeV 


du $?tt(u, kj-) 

(26) FIG. 4. Pion wave function for M = 325, 350, 375 and 

400 MeV, for n = 1 (solid), 2 (long dashed) and 5 (dashed) 
together with the asymptotic wave function (dot-dashed). 


By expanding cj>(k^,), 

Eq.(26), for large k% we find 

M = 350 GeV 

4>„(k T ) 



This kind of behavior differs from the commonly assumed 
exponential form[j] of ^(kj,). Let us, however, remark 
that the asymptotic behavior (^7|) which switches on for 
k\ > A 2 concerns only a negligible tail of the whole wave 
function. Moreover, the power in Eq.(27) is large enough, 
even for n = 1, to make the predictions of the first k\ 
moments reliable. We shall come back to this point in 
the next Section. 

B. Numerical results 

In Fig.| we plot (f> n (u) for M = 325, 350, 375, 400 MeV 
and n = 1,2 and 5. In fact for n > 5 4>tt(u) does not 
change much anymore. It is clearly seen from these 
figures that in all cases the NJL model with the non- 
local regulator (||) gives 0^ (u) which is different from the 
asymptotic one. This difference is more pronounced for 
smaller masses M and larger n's. For M — 325 and 
350 Mev and n — 5 a, shallow minimum can be seen at 
u = 0.5. 

It is instructive to compare our result with the one 
of Refs. |l8|,|l9| where the momentum dependence of the 
quark mass has been taken into account only in the nu- 
merators of Eq.(pd|). This is done in Fig.|| for M = 350 
MeV and n = 1. It is clearly seen that the momentum 
dependence of the denominators flattens the pion wave 
function making it " less asymptotic" . 

TABLE I. Gegenbauer coefficients 





















































































FIG. 5. Pion wave function for M = 350 MeV, for n = 1 
(solid), compared with the approximate result of Ref.[17] 
(dashed) and the asymptotic wave function (dot-dashed). 

The comparison of different wave functions and espe- 
cially their content of the non-asymptotic terms is read- 
ily done by expanding <p„ (u) in terms of the Gegenbauer 

^r(u) = 4>l s {u) [l + a 2 Cl ,2 (2u - 1) + ai Cl /2 {2u - 1) 
+a 6 C* 6 3/2 (2 U .-l) + ...l (28) 

where the coefficients a 2 k depend on the scale /x 2 . In 
model calculations it is, however, hard to define precisely 
what value should be taken for /i. Clearly /i is of the 
order of the cutoff A. In Table | we show the cutoff 
A and a % ,... ,a s for M = 325,350,375,400 MeV and 
n = 1, 2 and 5. It is clearly seen that in most cases is 
still comparable with a^. Only as is always substantially 
smaller than a 2 , 04 or a^. Interestingly for M = 325 MeV 
and n = 1 we get a 2 very similar to the transverse lattice 
result of Dalley JT§ who gets a l 2 atL = 0.133. 

As already stated in the previous sections the non-local 
NJL model gives the pion wave function as a function of 
two variables u and k\. In Fig.^Jwe plot ^(k^) defined 
in Eq.(|6|) for M = 350 Mev and n = 1,2 and 5. These 
functions are indistinguishable within the accuracy of the 
plot. </),r(&y) can be well approximated by the function 
C{k\ + A 2 )-", with a = 9, A = 1 GeV 2 and C = 8 
GeV 16 . The n dependence is visible only for k\ above a 
few GeV 2 and is not taken into account in this fit. 

In order to illustrate the (un) importance of the asymp- 
totic power like behavior, let us define 

Af(\) = / rf(fc 2 )^(fc 2 ). 


1 The exponential fit, however, is quite satisfactory for fc^ < 
0.2 GeV 2 . 

Obviously Af(oo) = 1. However, JV(X) saturates rela- 
tively fast 

Af(l GeV) - 0.98 



for all masses and powers of n. In fact the higher n 
the larger value of N(l GeV). This observation indi- 
cates that the bulk of the wave function comes from the 
region where there is little, if any, dependence on the cut- 
off parameter n. Outside this region the /^-dependent 
wave function starts to depend strongly on the form of 
the cutoff function (||). Unfortunately the fcr range in 
the recently measured diffractive dijet production in the 
pion nucleus scattering ||] is precisely in this asymptotic 
regime. Therefore we have to conclude that the informa- 
tion provided by this piece of data cannot be used to test 
our model, unless the range is not shifted towards the 
MeV rather than GeV region. 

M = 350 GeV 


FIG. 6. 4>n(k^) for M = 350 and n = 1,2 and 5. These 
curves are indistinguishable within the scale of the plot. 

It was argued in Ref. [£8|] that the QCD sum rules predict 
R ~ 4 — 5. In our case R is almost two times smaller, 
however the absolute value of < k\ > is slightly larger 
than the one of Ref. . Let us remind that the kj, mo- 
ments are related to the mixed quark-gluon condensates 
which arc poorly known in QCD. 

M = 350 GeV 


0.4 0.6 0.8 1 

FIG. 8. Ratio < k\ > (it)/&r(u) for M = 350 MeV, and 
n = 1 (solid), 2 (long dashed) and 5 (dashed). If there was 
factorization, this ratio should not depend upon u. 

We have checked the hypothesis that Q(u, k^) factor- 

^^(u, k\) = 7r (u)0 Tr (fc|). 


If this was the case we should get < k\ > (m)/(/) w (m) — 
const =< k\ >. The actual plot of < k\ > (w)/</> w (u) 
dependence is presented in FigM 

M = 350 GeV 


0.8 1 

and n 

7. < fcy > in pion wave function for M = 350 MeV, 
= 1 (solid), 2 (long dashed) and 5 (dashed). 

In order to see how the transverse momentum is dis- 
tributed among quarks with different longitudinal mo- 
mentum it is instructive to plot < k\ > as a function of 
u. This is depicted in]. One can see that < k\ > 
saturates relatively fast and remains almost constant for 
0.2 < u < 0.8. The saturation value decreases with an in- 
creasing M. In Table average < k\. > and < k^ > are 
displayed together with the ratio R —< k^, > 2 / < k\ >. 

C. Comparison with the data 

Expansion of the pion wave function in terms of the 
Gegenbauer polynomials has been defined in Eq.(|2"§|) 
and the values of the expansion coefficients for (j) v {u) of 
Eq. ( p3| ) are displayed in Table B. Schmedding and 

TABLE II. The values of < kl >. 

< k% > and ^r- 

<*4> 2 

M n 

< fcf > 
GeV 2 

< fci > 
GeV 4 

< k% >/< k 

2 ^2 
T > 


325 2 



375 2 



0.433) 2 
0.424) 2 


0.420) 2 

0.411)^ = 0.169 

0.426) 2 
0.409) 2 
0.402) 2 


0.418) 2 
0.402) 2 
0.394) 2 


0.620) 4 
0.564) 4 
0.542) 4 



0.541) 4 
0.520) 4 



0.522) 4 
0.503) 4 



0.555) 4 
0.508) 4 
0.489) 4 




Yakovlev || performed recently a theoretical analysis 
of the latest CLEO ||] data on pion electroproduction 
from a quasi real photon. They constructed a 95% and 
68% confidence level contour plots in the a 2 — cii parame- 
ter space for an average virtuality /i = 2.4 GeV. In Fig.^ 
we present their contours (Fig. 6 in together with our 
values of 02 and 04 for various fits displayed in Table Q. 
We have not performed the QCD evolution of these co- 
efficients since it is not clear which scale should be taken 
as a starting point of the evolution. It is naturally to 
assume that [jlq ~ A. In that case, however, the evolu- 
tion would be very weak, since - depending on the cut-off 
function - A changes between 1 and 3 GeV. As the result 
of the evolution the points in the ai — 0,4 plane would 
slightly move towards the asymptotic wave function. 

Let us finally note, that the analysis of Ref. || has 
been performed under the assumption that ag = 0. As 
can be seen from Table | for n > 1 ae is still comparable 
with 04. 






.1/ = 

o 10 o 10 

O N iO !N 

asymptotic ,. "~ \ ,-»^n = 1 
.■■ V" *' n — 5 







FIG. 9. The parameter space (02,04) of Ref.[5]. Black 
dots represent different model predictions, solid contour cor- 
responds to 68% confidence level, whereas the dashed one to 


In this paper we have calculated both u and k\ de- 
pendence of the light cone twist 2 pion wave function in 
the non-local NJL model. The nonperturbative nature of 
this approach is embodied in the momentum dependence 
of the constituent quark mass. In principle this depen- 
dence is known from the instanton model of the QCD 
vacuum. However, in order to be able to carry out the 
calculations in the Minkowski space-time we have used 
a class of simple Ansatze (@), which for Euclidean mo- 
menta relatively well reproduce Mi ns t.(k). In this way 
we have constructed a transparent and tractable model 
which allowed to calculate the pion wave function (u) 
analytically. We have shown how for the finite cut-off 
parameter A the Feynman integration contour has to be 

modified in order that (f> n (u) is real and vanishes outside 
< u < 1. 

Our phenomenological results are encouraging. For 
the constituent masses at zero momentum between M = 
325 - 350 MeV and n = 2 (see Eq.(|)) our results nicely 
fit into the 95% confidence region of Ref. J 5|. In compar- 
ison with the as ympto tic wave function (n ) and with the 
results of Refs. [^8||l9|] where the momentum dependence 
of the constituent mass in the denominator (c.f. Eq.(ll)) 
was neglected, our wave function is broader with, how- 
ever, less pronounced end point regions. Similar behav- 
ior was found in Ref. |l3| where not only non-locality 
(within the sum rules approach) but also radiative cor- 
rections have been taken into account. The fact that the 
true pion distribution amplitude may be broader than 
the asymptotic one has been already pointed out in Ref. 

Although at first sight we have found rather strong 
sensitivity to the power n in the fc|> distribution, it 
turned out that the power like asymptotic tail <p^(k^) ~ 
(l/fcy) 4n+1 switches on at rather high momenta of the 
order of a few GeV. For small and moderate k\ there 
is no dependence of ^(k^) on n. We have shown that 
more than 98% of the norm of (f>„(kj,) is concentrated in 
the region of k\ < 1 GeV 2 . Therefore recent measure- 
ments of the diffractive dissociation of a pion into 2 jets 
with transverse momentum above 1 GeV Q test the tiny 
portion of the wave function. Most probably, since the 
higher kj- moments are divergent for the power like tail, 
this region is not reliably described by our model. 

Another way to extract a light cone wave function 
would be to calculate the entire physical process within 
the effective model, rather than only the wave function 
itself as given by Eq.(B). This approach has been advo- 
cated recently in Ref. [p6| and for the process 77 — > tt 
can be in principle carried out also within our approach. 
It would be interesting to see what is the difference be- 
tween the wave function calculated directly from Eq.(j^) 
and according to the prescription of Ref. M . 

As a by-product we have also calculated the transverse 
photon wave function 4>^{u) which is almost insensitive 
to the parameter n of the constituent quark mass. Fur- 
ther application of our method to strange mesons and, for 
example, 2ir distribution amplitudes is straightforward 
and will be discussed elsewhere. It is also possible by 
calculating pion wave functions with other Dirac struc- 
tures in (0) to disentangle different condensates related 
to the fcy moments |2S} |. 

This work was partially supported by the Polish 
KBN Grant PB 2 P03B 019 17. M.P. is grateful to 
W.Broniowski, K.Goeke, P.V.Pobylitsa, M.V.Polyakov 
and N.G.Stefanis for discussions and interesting sugges- 
tions. The authors kindly acknowledge comments and 
remarks of A.Bakulev, A.Dorokhov and T.Hcinzl. 


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